Workzoom Blog

Feature Friday: Time Off

Written by Workzoom Team | Jan 21, 2021 4:47:58 PM

So far this year, your team's time off requests might not include tropical getaways or backpacking in Europe but that doesn't mean time off requests should completely disappear. Encourage your team to continue taking their vacation (or should we say staycation?) time to prevent burn-out. With Workzoom's simple three-step process, requesting Time Off is quick and painless for your employees.

How Requesting Time Off Works...

1. Select leave type

Each applicable leave type that an employee can request will be presented, with an overview of the current balance if there is one.

2. Pick your dates

The calendar will display any related events, such as their scheduled shifts, their own and their co-workers' planned time off, and more. Click-and-drag functionality allows them to easily pick the date(s) they want to take off.

3. Confirm details

Additional instructions or policy information is presented for the selected leave type. Employees can review and provide additional information such as start/end times, total leave time, or details (e.g. "Going camping" or "doctor's appointment").

Once your employee submits the request, that's it! The request goes to their manager to review and they are notified on their dashboard once it's approved or denied. Want to see this process live? Book a free demo today!