Workzoom Blog

Feature Friday: To Dos and Flags

Written by Workzoom Team | May 28, 2021 12:27:34 AM

If you've had a tour or seen our dashboards you'll notice your To Dos and any Flags always show up first. If you're busy with day-to-day admin tasks, it can be challenging to stay organized, especially if you're the go-to person for a variety of subjects.

Over the course of your work week, you might put the schedule together, fill vacancies and also process payroll. Or perhaps you're a manager who keeps everything running smoothly day-to-day while also taking care of leaves and other team requests. If you're looking for a way to organize your day-to-day you've come to the right place! Workzoom has spent a ton of time and energy figuring out a way to organize all your different To Dos and Flags by due date and priority so you see what needs to be done ASAP and what can wait.

What Are Workzoom To Dos?

First things first, we call To Dos things that need to be done in Workzoom. These can be sending job offers, completing performance reviews, approving leaves, processing pays, you name it! When you log in, a handful of your highest priority To Dos are front and center, organized by due date. For more To Dos you can click through to a tabbed list across multiple subjects all ordered based on priority. Sometimes, you might need to review multiple To Dos in the same subject area (like approving all your team members' timesheets). These are organized into a list that takes you from completing one to the next so you can do the whole group quickly and easily.

Workzoom's To Do lists keep things organized for all roles

What Are Workzoom Flags?

Flags are To Dos that don't necessarily require action on your part. Flags are Workzoom's FYIs and can include things like invalid government codes, missing personal details or missing account numbers. These are things that might not hold back your progress but probably require your attention when you have a few minutes to spare.

Lastly, if you ever need to confirm something was done, or you just want a confidence boost, you can access all your Completed To Dos (nice work, by the way!). This is a dated list of everything you've done in the product and will 'lazy load' all the way back to your first day. Talk about progress!